Oh, no, something stinks. Is that your furnace? When a bad smell drifts to your nose every time the heat is on, don’t ignore it. There could be a serious problem. So what is wrong with your heating system? Do all heating system odors mean that furnace repairs are needed? We’ll break things down for you, so you can make the right choice.
JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category
Awful Odors: Do You Need Furnace Repair?
Monday, January 6th, 2025Routine Maintenance Prevents 85% of Heater Repairs!
Monday, December 9th, 2024When you need your heating system, you don’t want to suddenly discover that it’s not working properly, that it’s making a strange noise, or leaving parts of your house cold, or, in a worst-case scenario, not coming on at all. If that happens, you’ll be struggling to get a repair appointment while being worried and frozen! It’s best if those repair needs never come up.
Did you know there’s a simple thing you can do to prevent almost all of the problems that lead to a heating system requiring repair? It’s maintenance! Make a routine maintenance appointment every single year, and 85% of the repairs you would otherwise need will just never come up. Here’s why!
How to Protect Your Furnace from Ice
Monday, February 5th, 2024While we don’t tend to have long stretches of extreme cold in our area, extreme weather does sometimes happen. In fact, one of the longest stretches when the temperature stayed below freezing in Lubbock—for an entire week!—was just a few years ago. And when temperatures are that cold, even if it’s not for quite that long, you could be at risk of a frozen furnace.
You might be surprised to hear that an iced-up furnace is even possible. How could a furnace freeze? Where does the ice come from? We’ll explain all about it, including what you can do to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
Watch for These Signs of Danger from Your Heating System
Monday, December 11th, 2023It’s dangerous to be without a heating system in the dead of winter, especially if this is one of those winters when a polar vortex brings unusually cold temperatures to Texas. But it’s also dangerous to have a faulty heating system, which could risk your health or your home. To stay safe as well as warm, be aware of these signs of danger, so you can address heating system hazards right away.
Can I Repair My Furnace on My Own?
Monday, February 20th, 2023If you’re looking to save money on home repairs, don’t look to your furnace. You can take care of many DIY projects around the house, but you should consider the furnace strictly “off limits.”
In other words, the simple answer to the question in the title of this blog is “No.”
However, there’s a more complex answer…
Why Your Heating Bills Seem Too High
Monday, February 6th, 2023When the cold weather descends on your home, do you start to feel anxious about looking at your monthly energy bills? After the fall, when you don’t have to rely much on your AC and the heater hasn’t yet turned on, you can get used to seeing lower energy costs. But if your winter energy bills do seem too high, it’s a good idea to ask yourself “why?”
You may have trouble with your heater, or perhaps you’ve fallen into some poor habits when it comes to using the HVAC system or how you manage energy consumption in the house. We’ll look at some causes for high heating bills and see what you can do about them.
How These Furnace Components Can Help or Hurt Home Efficiency
Monday, January 9th, 2023Every time your home’s furnace turns on, it consumes energy. That’s a given. But a furnace can consume more energy than necessary, and that will cause a drop in the general efficiency of your house.
In this post, we’re going to look at furnace components that can help, or hurt, the efficiency of your home. If they’re currently hurting your home efficiency, then the best course of action is to call our team for furnace repair in Lubbock, TX or other HVAC service. We’ll help you enjoy a comfortable and energy-efficient home!
What Is Short-Cycling and Why Is It a Problem?
Monday, December 26th, 2022Short-cycling is a condition that occurs in heat pumps, air conditioners, furnaces, and other HVAC systems. It’s one of the more common problems that can afflict a home’s comfort system, but it also has a tangle of possible causes behind it. Short-cycling is both a symptom of a problem and a problem on its own.
In this post we’ll go into detail about short-cycling, why you want it stopped, and why it happens.
6 Important Care and Maintenance Tips for Your Furnace
Monday, December 12th, 2022It’s furnace season, and although you might not have your home’s furnace running as often as somebody who lives in Milwaukie or Minneapolis, you’ll still rely on it during the winter. Sometimes it does get extremely cold here in Texas!
With that in mind, we want to pass on some important care and maintenance tips that will help your furnace run safely, efficiently, and effectively through the season.
Are You Using Your Heater As Efficiently As Possible
Monday, November 28th, 2022Our wintertime temperatures do not usually get as cold as our neighbors in the Midwest or the Northeast, with last year’s winter being a huge exception!
That said, it may typically seem pretty silly to worry about heating efficiency too much. When you don’t use yours that much, why should you care about how efficiently it operates? Well, because how efficiently it operates informs how much you spend on your monthly energy bills, and every homeowner wants to save money where they can, right?
That said, there are a number of things you can do to boost your heating efficiency during a standard winter (again, with recent events being a large exception to this rule). Read on to learn more!