JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

Help! My Water Heater Is Making an Awful Noise!

Monday, February 17th, 2025

During the course of your life, you’ve certainly noticed that when a problem occurs with a mechanical system, it often causes new and strange noises. This is true of your things as complex as your car or as simple as your kitchen mixer. And it’s especially unsettling when you don’t usually notice any noise from the appliance at all, and suddenly you hear a lot!

Your water heater is also quite likely to make sounds when something goes wrong. And since you probably only think about your water heater when you’re waiting for the water to heat up so you can take a shower, this racket can be very alarming! So what is causing your water heater to make an awful noise? Don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple, and can be easily sorted out. We’ll explain.

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All About Water Heater Installation

Monday, October 28th, 2024

While it’s easy to forget about your water heater until something goes wrong and you end up in a cold shower, the fact is that you should make sure to pay attention to this vital appliance from time to time! They don’t last forever, and eventually, you’ll need to have your water heater replaced. 

When that time comes, you’ll probably have a lot of questions. Do I really need to replace my water heater, or can I have it repaired? What are my options for a new system? Is one better than another? What is involved in water heater installation, and how long will it take? We’ve got answers for you.

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How Much Is Your Old Water Heater Costing?

Monday, March 18th, 2024

Life is always so busy. There are so many things to focus on that when it comes to your home, it’s usually only the things that demand urgent attention which get your focus. If something is not badly broken or totally failing, you might not even notice more minor problems. Unfortunately, when it comes to home systems and appliances, when you allow minor problems to continue, they often develop into major ones.

Another thing that is hard to focus on in the busy day-to-day rush is how small expenses add up. They might never seem like much in the moment, but if you step back and take a look at the big picture, they might be a big expense altogether. Today, we’d like you to consider your water heater. How is it working? Is it costing you unnecessary money? What should you do about it?

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Why Maintenance Is Vital for Your Tank Water Heater

Monday, August 22nd, 2022

If there’s anything that most homeowners universally enjoy, is a nice hot shower at the end of the day to get clean and refresh. There’s also not a lot less enjoyable than being surprised when your warm shower suddenly turns cold. If this has happened to you before, it probably didn’t make you very happy!

Nobody likes this kind of wake-up call from their shower, and from their water heater. This could very well mean that your water heater is struggling to do it’s job, and if you delay having it checked on, you could end up needing to replace it sooner rather than later.

Of course, you can avoid all this water heater drama with one important service–water heater maintenance. Maintenance isn’t often thought about for water heaters, but it is really important. Read on to learn why!

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The Role of an Anode Rod in Your Water Heater

Monday, March 7th, 2022

If we were to ask you what the most important appliance in your home was, what would your answer be? Many homeowners would respond with “water heater.” After all, this is the true workhorse of any home, being used all year long to provide households with the hot water that they need to shower, do the laundry, wash dishes, and so much more. If you’re using a tank water heater, then you depend very much on a particular component that you may have never heard of until now–the anode rod.

While “anode rod” isn’t exactly a household name, it really is important in any home that has a tank water heater. This component provides an essential function in order to protect the tank water heater from harm. It doesn’t last forever though, so it’s important that you know for sure the condition that yours is in.

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Here’s Why All Water Heaters Need Maintenance

Monday, December 13th, 2021

Do you have a tank water heater in place? If so, then its main feature is a storage tank that holds gallons of water that gets heated up by a heat exchanger within the system. It has a component called an anode rod that absorbs rust and corrosion so that the rest of the system does not, and this anode rod must be checked on during each annual maintenance session.

But tank water heaters aren’t the only type of water heater that needs maintenance! Even if you have a tankless system in place, that needs a tune-up too. True, it doesn’t have standing water in it, but it can suffer from some of the same problems that a tank system can–like scaling. Wondering what scaling is? Read on to find out!

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Signs That Your Water Heater Needs Repair

Monday, June 28th, 2021

No matter what season it is here in Lubbock, TX, there is one appliance in your home that provides you with comfort and works all year round. No, we aren’t talking about your air conditioner (remember winter 2020? Definitely didn’t need your AC then!) but rather your water heater.

This is that one system that’s easiest to take for granted in your home–you turn on a tap or appliance in the household and just expect that hot water will come flowing through.

But when you think about all the stress this system goes through, you begin to understand that you cannot expect to work 100% free from errors for decades without taking proper care of it. At some point, you’ll need to call for professional water heater repairs. But how do you know when it’s time?

Here are some clues:

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