JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lubbock’

Start With a Video Pipe Inspection

Monday, August 7th, 2023

Do you have any idea what’s going on in your plumbing? Maybe you’re new at homeownership, or you’re considering purchasing a home. Maybe your home is older, with pipes whose materials you aren’t certain of, or there have been changes or additions to the plumbing system. Maybe you’ve got some suspicions that there are problems going on in there somewhere. If you don’t have clarity about exactly what’s going on in your plumbing or where, how do you begin? Video pipe inspection can give you the answers you need. 

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Our Guide to Proper Summer Maintenance

Monday, May 15th, 2023

It’s that time of year again! Your air conditioner is going to start working very hard very soon. It’s important to do whatever you can to keep it happy, so it won’t poop out during a serious heat wave. There are a few things you can do to make life easier for a hard-working Texas air conditioner. Here are our summer maintenance recommendations.

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It’s Officially Spring—So Spring Into Getting Your AC Maintenance!

Monday, March 20th, 2023

It’s that time of the year again! Spring has finally arrived, and as the weather begins to warm up (or at least acts like it will), we recommend you think about getting your air conditioning system checked and tuned up. Or don’t just think about it—actually call us to schedule air conditioning maintenance in Lubbock, TX or the surrounding areas. After all, you don’t want to wait until the first hot day of the year to discover that your AC isn’t working properly. With maintenance, you’ll have your air conditioner prepped and in the best condition for any heatwave that may strike in the summer.

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Can I Repair My Furnace on My Own?

Monday, February 20th, 2023

If you’re looking to save money on home repairs, don’t look to your furnace. You can take care of many DIY projects around the house, but you should consider the furnace strictly “off limits.” 

In other words, the simple answer to the question in the title of this blog is “No.” 

However, there’s a more complex answer… 

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Why Your Heating Bills Seem Too High

Monday, February 6th, 2023

When the cold weather descends on your home, do you start to feel anxious about looking at your monthly energy bills? After the fall, when you don’t have to rely much on your AC and the heater hasn’t yet turned on, you can get used to seeing lower energy costs. But if your winter energy bills do seem too high, it’s a good idea to ask yourself “why?”

You may have trouble with your heater, or perhaps you’ve fallen into some poor habits when it comes to using the HVAC system or how you manage energy consumption in the house. We’ll look at some causes for high heating bills and see what you can do about them.

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Why You Should Hire a Pro for Your Drain Cleaning

Monday, January 23rd, 2023

If you have a clogged drain in your house, whether a kitchen sink, a shower, or a toilet, what do you do?

  • Grab a plunger and try to force the clog out.
  • Take a drain snake (drain auger) and try to break apart the clog.
  • Pour chemical drain cleaner down the drain.
  • Call a professional for drain cleaning.

The first two are good instincts, and we definitely recommend you try them. For simple clogs, they’ll often work. The third is an unfortunately common reaction, and one we wish people would banish from their minds. Chemical drain cleaners are harmful to drains, people, and the environment.

The fourth choice is the only choice that’s guaranteed to get your drain unclogged, so if the plunger and the drain snake won’t do the job, call our professionals and we’ll see the clog is removed with professional drain cleaning in Lubbock, TX.

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How These Furnace Components Can Help or Hurt Home Efficiency

Monday, January 9th, 2023

Every time your home’s furnace turns on, it consumes energy. That’s a given. But a furnace can consume more energy than necessary, and that will cause a drop in the general efficiency of your house. 

In this post, we’re going to look at furnace components that can help, or hurt, the efficiency of your home. If they’re currently hurting your home efficiency, then the best course of action is to call our team for furnace repair in Lubbock, TX or other HVAC service. We’ll help you enjoy a comfortable and energy-efficient home!

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6 Important Care and Maintenance Tips for Your Furnace

Monday, December 12th, 2022

It’s furnace season, and although you might not have your home’s furnace running as often as somebody who lives in Milwaukie or Minneapolis, you’ll still rely on it during the winter. Sometimes it does get extremely cold here in Texas!

With that in mind, we want to pass on some important care and maintenance tips that will help your furnace run safely, efficiently, and effectively through the season. 

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JD’s Guide to Protecting Your Kitchen Plumbing This Holiday Season

Monday, November 14th, 2022

Do you plan on cooking a large meal this holiday season? Chances are that if you came across this blog post and chose to read it, then you are! Great, we applaud your efforts. You should know, however, the holiday season is when professional plumbers get the most calls. Guess what those calls are for? For the most part, kitchen sink drain clogs and jammed or broken garbage disposal systems.

We get it, cooking a holiday meal is a big ordeal, and you don’t always have the time to think about what you are or are not putting down your drain. But we implore you to consider it, as needing to call a plumber on Thanksgiving is definitely going to make a big ordeal even more inconvenient. Read on as we uncover what not to put down your kitchen sink drain this holiday season!

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“What Type of Professional Do I Call for Gas Line Work?”

Monday, October 17th, 2022

If you’re reading this blog post, it means that you know that gas line work shouldn’t be left to the average homeowner! This is good news. Gas line work requires training and experience that should not be left to a DIY job, for safety more than anything.

But you might be wondering what kind of professional you do need to call. You might be surprised to find that it’s a plumber! Plumbers are specially trained to deal with gas line work. Much of the work that is done is very similar to laying water pipes, and therefore this is the best type of contractor to call. Read on to learn more about why!

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