JD's Prompt Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘water heater repair’

Help! My Water Heater Is Making an Awful Noise!

Monday, February 17th, 2025

During the course of your life, you’ve certainly noticed that when a problem occurs with a mechanical system, it often causes new and strange noises. This is true of your things as complex as your car or as simple as your kitchen mixer. And it’s especially unsettling when you don’t usually notice any noise from the appliance at all, and suddenly you hear a lot!

Your water heater is also quite likely to make sounds when something goes wrong. And since you probably only think about your water heater when you’re waiting for the water to heat up so you can take a shower, this racket can be very alarming! So what is causing your water heater to make an awful noise? Don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple, and can be easily sorted out. We’ll explain.

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How Much Is Your Old Water Heater Costing?

Monday, March 18th, 2024

Life is always so busy. There are so many things to focus on that when it comes to your home, it’s usually only the things that demand urgent attention which get your focus. If something is not badly broken or totally failing, you might not even notice more minor problems. Unfortunately, when it comes to home systems and appliances, when you allow minor problems to continue, they often develop into major ones.

Another thing that is hard to focus on in the busy day-to-day rush is how small expenses add up. They might never seem like much in the moment, but if you step back and take a look at the big picture, they might be a big expense altogether. Today, we’d like you to consider your water heater. How is it working? Is it costing you unnecessary money? What should you do about it?

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